Monthly Donation

Make an ongoing impact and empower Indigenous futures through tech literacy and skill development. Join our community of changemakers committed to building a brighter future where Indigenous knowledge meets tech opportunities. 🧡

Help Indigenous students succeed today, your monthly gift can provide:

Sacred medicine kit for one program participant.


Art kit for one program participant.


One week of nutritional support for one program participant.


Digital equipment for program participants.


A tax receipt will be emailed automatically.

What our Graduates say

learning how to draw in proCreate, before IndigiTech I only used Traditional medium to create art before the program and now can make digital art!
I made friends and new connections! I learned to just laugh and have a good time and share experiences/opinions/ideas!
Wela'lin Chi Miigwech...BEING a WARRIOR FEELS like AWE-SOME-NESS.
I have learned that we need more Indigenous representation in the tech world.
I have gained so very much from my time and I will being using my new gained knowledge to improve my life in all aspects.

Impact Stories of Graduates

Hannah's Transformation: From IndigiTECH Student to Tech Innovator and Communications Specialist.

HANNAH BLISS LYRETTE from Toronto, Ontario, completed her post-secondary education at Central Peel Secondary School. After completing her studies, she opted for a college path focused on web development. However, she soon discovered that the Western educational approach did not resonate with her. In search of a different learning environment, she embarked on a new journey. Approximately a year ago, Hannah came across a Facebook post, introducing her to a new program called IndigiTECH by the Indigenous Friends Association (IFA).

Motivated by her enthusiasm to get into the tech sector and lifelong affinity with computers, Hannah enrolled in the program with the aim of exploring advanced career opportunities in the tech sector. Through participation in IndigiTECH, Hannah honed her expertise in web development, user experience design, and graphic design. She fondly remembers crafting a website for an Indigenous artist using CodeSandbox and engaging in graphic art creation with tools like Krita and Canva.

Your Path to Progress: How Maxwell Leveraged IFA's IndigiTAL to Lead and Learn at Sault College.

MAXWELL ABITONG is from Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nations In Ontario and completed his secondary education at Espanola High School. Ensuing graduation, Maxwell was eager for new opportunities as he faced difficulties in finding employment on his Reserve. After viewing a social media post discussing a new technology and coding program called INDIGital, Maxwell registered as a participant. 

Through a 5 module curriculum, INDIGital helped develop Maxwell’s graphic design, web development, HTML, and CSS skills. Maxwell credited the program’s ability to use  Indiginized examples and analogies like beading to help explain different coding concepts, providing a smoother learning experience. Upon completion of the program, Maxwell was invited to continue his learning and attend Wascana INDIGital training in Regina, Saskatchewan. Maxwell’s role during Wascana INDIGital included carrying out administrative duties, engaging with participants, and starting the smudge for each sharing circle.

Unlock Your Potential: Jamin's Path from IFA's IndigiTAL program to Toronto Star Reporter.

JAMIN LYRIC MIKE is from Beardy’s and Okemasis’ Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, spending his childhood between Saskatoon and on the Reserve at Beardy's. At the age of 14, he made a heavy decision to move out after experiencing a challenging childhood with family members who battled alcohol and substance abuse. Moving in with his relatives, Jamin would pursue his post-secondary education and graduated in 2015 as Valedictorian at Constable Robin Cameron Education Complex. Following graduation, Jamin was motivated to find new education and employment opportunities with limited options available at Beardy's. 

Through a friend, Jamin got introduced to a social media post that discussed a new art and technology program of IFA, INDIGital. Eager for new opportunities and having an interest in learning, he signed up. His participation in INDIGital helped develop Jamin's graphic design, coding, and web development skills. He recalled being captivated by the teachings of different coding and programming languages and seeing how they're used in different areas like digital technology, website creation, and robotics.